How NOT to view the eclipse:

  • Directly
  • Through the clouds
  • Through mylar used for balloons, “space blankets” or anything not made specifically for solar eclipse viewing by an established, reputable supplier
  • Through eyepiece “sun filters” included with some small telescopes
  • Though ANY telescope or binoculars without a specially made solar filter

Why is direct viewing of a partial eclipse so DANGEROUS to my eyes?

Have you ever tried to look directly at the sun?  I hope not, but you may have accidentally glanced at it and noticed that IT HURTS!  The iris of your eye is a muscle.  When the sun is directly in view, it closes down by contracting as much as it can to protect your retina.  Just like any other muscle, it hurts when it contracts as hard as possible.  During a partial eclipse, less of the sun’s yellow disk is exposed.  That means that your natural defense mechanism of iris contraction is weaker, making it easier to look at it directly.  Don’t do it!  If ANY PART of the yellow disk is exposed, it can burn your retina possibly resulting in permanent damage and loss of sight.  The only time you can look directly is during totality which will last less than four minutes during this eclipse.

BSC eye safety diagram

How to SAFELY view the eclipse:


Counterfeit Glasses

There are reports of counterfeit eclipse glasses.  If you aren’t sure that the set you have are genuine and safe, read this information from the American Astronomical Society: